90-Minute Personal Advocacy Session with Kevin Boehmer - LifeSpring International Ministries, Inc.

Book your 90-Minute Personal Advocacy Session with Kevin Boehmer now.

Duration: 90 minutes
Name: *
Email: *
Cell Phone:


Please read carefully - We have added new information to these Terms and Conditions.

The following information is related to PERSONAL ADVOCACY sessions.

DO NOT make an appointment for SOMEONE ELSE. Each individual receiving ministry MUST READ these requirements personally. By continuing the booking process YOU ARE MAKING A STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT with our Ministry protocols regarding these Requirements. Please DO NOT DISHONOR our process by making an appointment for someone else.

There are many respected ministries and individuals teaching about the Courts of Heaven. While we appreciate each one who presses into this prayer paradigm, we notice that language choice and method are often unique to each ministry's presentation.

In order to help you arrive "on the same page" with the language and method WE use, we ask you to BECOME FAMILIAR with our unique presentation of the Courts of Heaven. This is easily accomplished by reading our foundational books. This is the ONLY REASON we have you read these books.

Required Homework:


YOU MUST READ: Clients Are Required To Have Read The Following Materials Prior To The Beginning Their Advocacy Session: THIS IS FOR THE SAKE OF THE CLIENT UNDERSTANDING THE PROCESSES.


Not required, but highly recommended: "Overturning the False Verdicts of Freemasonry" (270 pages)

These books are available at ronhorner.com as an immediate PDF download to your device. Many are available on Amazon.com in Kindle versions and paper versions. Paperback copies are also available at our print-on-demand publisher, Lulu.com. And at Arsenalbooks.com.
Your efforts to join us in this "homework" WILL GREATLY BENEFIT YOU during our session together.

The reading "homework" helps you get THE MOST from your ministry session. We are able to address your circumstances WITHOUT HAVING TO SPEND TIME answering too many questions or catching you up on your understanding. This leaves more time for the ACTUAL Courtroom work!

Thank you for your efforts in arriving at your scheduled appointment with basic information from our books!

Our Ministry Team will review your Heavenly Bond Registry and search Consequential Liens on the generational line. This is due to the leading of Holy Spirit as He revealed the Bond Registry to us in January 2020 and the Consequential Liens to us in 2022. We have found that paying attention to the Bond Registry of Heaven helps us deal directly and succinctly with many related issues with which our clients are dealing.

We can not stress this protocol enough. When you come to your session with the understanding of the Bond Registry (see "Releasing Bonds from the Courts of Heaven") you will be delighted to see how Holy Spirit directs the Ministry Team to gain needed cancellations of ungodly Bonds and the removal of Consequential Liens assigned against your life. Getting the Bonds and the Liens dealt with in the Courts of Heaven is paramount to gaining freedom from bondage and to unblock your life from God's blessings. Remember, our sessions deal with your issues through the avenue of removing the legal grounds the Adversary has to torment your life.

What should you expect from our Ministry Team as they work with the Courts of Heaven on your behalf?
1) A Bond Registry and Consequential Lien review will be included.
2) The Outstanding Folder may be viewed with Holy Spirit's input.
3) Archive Folders will be checked into if generational bloodline cleansing is a topic that comes up.
4) Your heavenly Guest Registry will be investigated to discover if Lingering Human Spirits, demonic guards and/or tormenting spirits have been assigned to you.
4) This takes time, and our Ministry Team does not rush this process. It is likely to take the entire time.
5) IF there is time left over, or if this is your 2nd or 3rd ministry session, the Ministry Team will check your Outstanding Folder and inquire about your angels and will minister from there.
6) We are not a prophetic ministry. We do not prophesy over you.
7) We DO NOT read your scroll to you.
8.) We DO NOT nor ARE WE IN AGREEMENT WITH any form Fortune Telling, telling your future or prophesying your future. That is witchcraft and manipulation and THIS MINISTRY IS NOT associated with that form of darkness in any shape, form or fashion.
9) We aim to remove legal blockages in the spiritual realm that Satan and darkness have established against you with Courtroom cases before the Righteous Judge.

Please understand that most of the rest of this form is to help YOU define your circumstance so that YOU will know how God has answered the prayers of the Ministry Team on your behalf in the Courts of Heaven. It is the beginning of a testimony to God's glory. Your stated objectives below are for your own thought processes, to help you process what you are asking God for.

The Ministry Team does not usually read this form before your session.
Why? Because we must make room for Holy Spirit to guide the Ministry Team by His leading, and by what is Heaven's priority for you so that all glory goes to God. Very often we find it better not to know the details of your circumstance, on purpose, because we want the glory of the Lord to shine on you!

YOU ARE AGREEING TO BECOME OUR CLIENT to gain this Ministry's protocols, experience, and advocacy help on your behalf. We will conduct the Advocacy session according to Holy Spirit's leading and previously stated protocols which we have been prompted by Him to use.

Our Ministry Team DOES NOT operate in deliverance as taught in previous moves of God. The protocol of this Ministry is to operate in the realms of Heaven on your behalf and use our FATHER'S JUSTICE SYSTEM in His Courts to secure your freedom from bondage and oppression, torment, and hindrances.

We DO NOT, in any way shape, form or fashion participate in any type of fortune-telling or prophesying directives to you. Your instruction is to gain that knowledge with the Father as you develop intimacy with Him.

Our Ministry offers "crisis care" for you. We do not operate as a church or as your pastor, but as a ministry to specific needs that require resolution in the Courts of Heaven. We are not a "coaching ministry," nor do we offer counseling within a Personal Advocacy session. Those are in the purview of the. AfterCare ministry.

We anticipate that you will not use our services more than a maximum of 7 times. After 7 times in our sessions you will need to have understanding of how to use the Courts on your own behalf. THIS IS IMPERATIVE. This is your walk with the Father. Our aim is for you to learn this for yourself and implement it in your daily walk in intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

If you feel you require Personal Advocacy Sessions on an ongoing basis or more than 7 times, you may need to re-think what our Ministry is called to do, and find other ministries with a calling to disciple or spiritually coach you. We offer access to a Biblically trained Counselor through our separate AfterCare program. See below for details.

Recently, our Ministry has added Personal/GROUP Counseling as a separate ministry offering. We call this service AfterCare. After you have had 1-7 Personal Advocacy Sessions, you may find it helpful to discuss with a Biblical Counselor some of the issues that have come up in your sessions.

In an AfterCare counseling appointment, our Counselor is trained to help bring insight, direction and to answer the questions you may have about things that came up in your Personal Advocacy Sessions. While our Personal Advocacy Ministry Teams operate on your behalf in the Courts of Heaven, our AfterCare Counseling sessions do NOT, instead, they are personal counseling sessions with a trained Counselor. If you are interested in learning more about AfterCare Biblical counseling, please find information on our website at ronhorner.com/aftercare or contact Jen at aftercare@courtsofheaven.net.

IMPORTANT: We reserve the right to change the date and time of your scheduled Personal Advocacy session by 15 min to 1 hour (forward or backward) without contacting you first. This allows us to maximize the time of each ministry day. You will receive a Rescheduled Appointment Confirmation from our automated system if we need to move your appointment by 15 min or 1 hour minutes. If more than 15 min or 1 hour, or if we need to move your appointment to a different day due to office or Ministry conflicts, we will make every effort to contact you first at the email you've given on our form. We will always try to move your appointment forward if we need to change the day, but sometimes that may be out of our control. Thank you for helping us maintain a ministry calendar where we can maximize the use of our Teams for many people.

After your Personal Advocacy Session, you will receive an Audio Recording of your session. It takes between 1-3 days. We encourage you NOT to take notes during your session, but to relax and allow the Ministry Team and Holy Spirit to minister to you. Taking notes is not required and not encouraged. Relaxing so that you engage in the experience of being ministered to IS encouraged.

We look forward to seeing you in your Personal Advocacy session.

{"type":"checkbox","name":"__generic","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"CA","validationMessage":"Please check the above.","options":"I have read, and agree to the above STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT FOR MINISTRY. Especially around reading the required materials ahead of my session. *"}

I Will Engage With The Required Reading, also, I have ALREADY read the following books: *
{"type":"checkbox","name":"__generic","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"C1","validationMessage":"Please check at least one item.","options":"Engaging the Help Desk of the Courts of Heaven\nIntroduction to the Courts of Heaven AKA Engaging the Mercy Court of Heaven\nFour Keys to Defeating Accusations (Required-Free Online at CourtsNet)\nReleasing Bonds from the Courts of Heaven (Required)\nEngaging the Courts for Ownership & Order\nOvercoming Verdicts from the Courts of Hell\nOvercoming the False Verdicts of Freemasonry (Highly Recommended)\nFreedom from Mithraism (Highly Recommended)\nLiving Spirit Forward\nUnlocking Spiritual Seeing\nLingering Human Spirits\nLingering Human Spirits Volume 2\nBuilding Your Business From Heaven Down\nBuilding Your Business From Heaven Down 2.0\nBuilding Your Business with the Blueprint of Heaven\nDealing with Trusts & Consequential Liens From The Courts of Heaven\nKingdom Dynamics\nKingdom Dynamics Volume 2\nCommissioning Angels\nEngaging Angels in the Realms of Heaven\nEngaging Heaven for Trade\nEngaging Heaven for Revelation\nEngaging Heaven for Revelation Volume 2\nNone of the above"}

In ONE sentence what is your chief complaint? The Ministry Team will not usually read this section before your session. We rely upon Holy Spirit to direct the team after they assist you with gaining the cancellation of ungodly Bonds. (See Bonds book).
{"type":"text","name":"__generic3","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","placeholder":""}

Your estimation of the severity of your situation:
{"type":"text","name":"__generic4","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","placeholder":""}

Briefly define your situation. This section is to help you define WHY you are contacting us. The Ministry Team will not usually read this section before your Advocacy session, but may be read later.
{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic5","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

BRIEFLY, what is your #1 objective for this session? Our protocol is to ALWAYS check your Bond Registry. This may take the entire time depending upon what is there. This is the protocol of our Ministry for these sessions. We do not deviate from this.
{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic6","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

How did you hear about LifeSpring? *
{"type":"text","name":"__generic7","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","placeholder":""}

Terms & Conditions


The services provided by Dr. Ron M. Horner and his associates are to assist you in engaging the Courts of Heaven for prayer ministry. No results are or can be guaranteed, however good faith efforts will be made by Dr. Horner and his team. This is a faith-based ministry and as a form of pastoral counseling uses the Bible as our primary guidebook for what we do and how we operate. We are not providing legal advice. We provide advocacy services in relation to the Courts of Heaven prayer paradigm. If you need legal advice, please consult your attorney.

Dr. Horner and his team are not your personal pastor, therefore we request that you not contact us outside of our sessions or designated means of communication. We are not available 24/7. That is the responsibility of your local pastor. We will attempt to minister to you as best we can during our sessions.

As part of our approach, we require certain reading be done prior to (and sometimes during) our sessions. If you have not completed any assigned reading or other previously requested exercises prior to the beginning of your session we may (at our discretion) cancel the appointment until such time as you are able to complete the assignments. You may be rescheduled for a session at a later date once the required reading has been completed.

The costs of the sessions may not be tax-deductible expenses. You will need to consult your tax professional. RonHorner.com is an outreach of LifeSpring International Ministries, Inc. which is a tax-exempt non-profit organization.

Sessions must be paid in advance. If you have already paid for a session and it is canceled by us, we will either refund the money or provide that amount in credit for a future session. We reserve the right to cancel a session or sessions at our discretion. If a session is canceled 24 hours before the beginning of the session, a refund will be made. All refunds must be returned to the credit or debit card with which the appointment was booked. Sessions may be canceled or rescheduled at our discretion if it becomes clear that our requested assigned reading has not been completed. The assigned reading for Personal Advocacy sessions is on our website, RonHorner.com.

A client who does not attend their scheduled appointment is considered a NO SHOW and will forfeit 100% of the fee of the session. We staunchly stand on this. A NO SHOW will also result in a Ban on the ability to make future appointments. Our trained Ministry Teams are preparing to minister to you at the time of your appointment, please honor the fact that you are making a professional trade for ministerial services by our Teams. Many people are making appointments and are in line with you to receive ministry. A NO SHOW by you wastes your money and wastes valuable time for others to receive ministry from our Teams.

We MUST hear from you at least 12 hours and preferably 48 hours before your appointment if you are not going to make the appointment and need it rescheduled. If you are going to miss your appointment you MUST TEXT our Ministry phone number which has a time stamp. The following Cancellation policy will go into effect at that time. Text: (980) 285-2820 We recommend setting a calendar alarm and an hourly alarm on the day of your appointment.

If the appointment is canceled by you or on your behalf with less than 12 hours' notice you understand that you forfeit 50% of the fee of the session. If canceled by you or on your behalf more than 12 hours, but less than 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment, the cancellation fee is 25% of the scheduled sessions cost. If canceled by you or on your behalf more than 24 hours in advance, the full price of the session will be refunded or credited as explained above.

Sessions are recorded for LifeSpring International Ministries as part of privileged client information. Audio recordings of the sessions may be made available to you following a session but this is a courtesy of the ministry and not an obligation. Chat notes or the advocates' personal notes are not available for release to the client. An audio file of your session will be provided. 

Regarding your counselor, therapist, or coach, unless they have read and are familiar with our methodology, we prefer that they not be attendance with you. Please email admin@courtsofheaven.net to request express permission for your counselor, therapist or coach to join the session.

Depending upon the nature and subject matter of your session, you may have your spouse or your child in a session with you. Please request express permission from us if you wish to have any others join you in a session. This will be at our discretion. Please email admin@courtsofheaven.net to make your request. Since the session is scheduled by you and is for you, any additional permitted parties joining you for your session may be required to stay muted. If other parties are disruptive to the session they will be removed and not permitted to return to the session. Please understand that our desire is to minister to ONE individual at a time regarding the reason they are booking an appointment with us.

Additional Ministry Team members may be in attendance at your session. These may include (in addition to the Senior Advocate conducting a session), a Junior Advocate (assisting the Senior Advocate) as well as 1 or more Student Observers (persons in the CourtsNet Facilitator Training Program).

Due to the professional nature of our relationship, it is not necessarily appropriate for us to "friend" you on Facebook or via other social media venues. If we see you in person we may not acknowledge you in the presence of others so as to maintain the necessary confidentiality of our relationship.

We look forward to serving you through our Personal Advocacy Sessions. Our expectation is breakthrough and freedom for you through the prayer paradigm of the Courts of Heaven.

Blessings in the name of Jesus!

{"type":"checkbox","name":"__generic8","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"CA","validationMessage":"Please check the above.","options":"I have read and agree to the terms above. *"}

Do you want to join our mailing list? *
{"type":"radio","name":"__generic9","width":20,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please make a selection for this item.","options":"Yes\nNo"}

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