Complimentary Coaching Chemistry Call - Insight for Leadership

Book your Initial Session with Eric Hicks now.

Duration: 50 minutes
Name: *
Email: *
Mobile: *
Congratulations on taking this first step!  Committing to this 50-minute breakthrough session could be the most powerful thing you've done for yourself in a long while. I'm looking forward to giving you results in our time together.

The purpose of this Worksheet is to give me some context for YOU and what you're dealing with so our time is the most effective it can be. 

What is most challenging for you at this time?
{"type":"textarea","name":"strugglingWith","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":"Be as detailed as you like; I'm the only one who sees your answer."}

If this specific challenge was resolved, what would your life look like?
{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":"If you can't imagine it, that's ok, just do your best. "}

What have you tried so far?
{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic2","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

And finally... what made you decide to take this step forward today?
{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic3","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

Thanks for taking the time to prepare for our session - I'm looking forward to jump-starting the path toward your goal.  Speak soon!