Coaching at Work - Matt Somers Coaching Skills Training Ltd


Coaching at Work - Survey Follow Up

A brief call to explore your survey responses

Thanks for your offer to chat through your responses to the survey you completed recently as we try to create the best training we can.

We ran this coaching skills training course for years as a live event before the pandemic and I’ve been looking for a way to take it online since then.

I experimented with a distance learning course last year, but what was missing was the ability for everyone to interact as participants and trainer. 

I’m very excited by the tools the team at Maven have developed to help people like me do this.

I plan to structure the week-long course as follows:
  • 90 min, live interactive classes Mon, Wed and Fri, 7:00pm -8:30pm (UK time)
  • Optional 'Q&A/Town Hall' type discussions, Tue and Thur 7:00pm - 8:00pm (UK time)
  • Additional resources articles, videos, etc housed on the platform and accessed on an 'as needed' basis
You (or your nominated participants) will learn:
  • How to increase motivation (even if you can’t increase pay)
  • How to help people cope with constant change
  • How asking questions solves more problems than giving direction
  • And much, much more
I look forward to discussing this with you.


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