Associate Review Coaching - Creative Choices for the 21st Century Lawyer Inc.

Book your Associate Evaluation Workshop (1.5 hours) with Lawyer Coach Paulette now!

Duration: 90 minutes
Name: *
Email: *
Cell Phone: *

I'm so excited that you want to show up to your evaluation meeting like a boss! I'm definitely going to help you do that, and we're going to have fun preparing together!!


The following questions will start the Creative Choices™ coaching process.  They are designed to help you prepare for both our workshop and your evaluation meeting.  Thank you for taking the time to answer them. 

What would you like to get from my coaching? What is going to make a difference for you? 

{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

What are you most concerned about when it comes to your evaluation meeting?

{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic2","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

What do I need to know about you to be the best coach for you? 

{"type":"text","name":"__generic","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","placeholder":"Be honest with yourself!"}

How would you describe 2023 when it comes to your professional work? What went well? What didn't go so well? How did you cope with things on a personal level?

{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic3","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item, even if it's just typing in \"Nada\". :)","height":80,"placeholder":""}

Tell me about your firm's (or organization's) review process so I have a better understanding before we meet. When is your meeting?

{"type":"text","name":"__generic5","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","placeholder":""}

How do you want 2024 to be different when it comes to your work environment? What would you be doing (not doing)? Who would you be working more with (less with)? What support would you get?

{"type":"textarea","name":"__generic6","width":100,"value":"","size":"Normal","validation":"NE","validationMessage":"Please fill in this item.","height":80,"placeholder":""}

Thanks again for taking the time to prepare for our workshop!  Talk to you soon.

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