This is a coaching call with our head coach to help you solve your issue in 60 minutes. Sloan has over 20 years experience and has yet to find a decision she couldn't help someone make in the first phone call. Whether it is tough decision, a situation you feel stuck in or an exciting opportunity this is the perfect call to get clarity and a way forward. Book online today and get peace of mind that you are on your way towards a solution.
Life Mastery - 2 Monthly Coaching Calls
Master the art of resilience and learn how to slay the day every day. Pay monthly. Cancel anytime. view more...
Who Is This For
Anyone who feels they have suffered a knock of confidence
Anyone who feels overwhelmed by a challenge before them
Anyone who feels they have run into a spate of bad luck
Anyone who isn't sure how to turn things around
Anyone who hasn't mastered the art of being resilient
Anyone who feels they have been knocked down too many times
Anyone who needs support to get themselves back up again
Anyone who feels unsure how to get out of a situation that is causing them pain
Anyone who knows they have obstacles coming up in their future
What Do I Get?
2 coaching calls a month plus coaching on the Life Mastery Monthly Program through Coach With Sloan includes:
Individual Digital Coaching
Private Self Improvement Feed For Direct Access To Your Coach (Accessible 24/7)
Extra Goals Set By Your Coach & Set Your Own Goals
Weekly Check-Ins On Any Topic
Results Driven Affirmations
Self-Reflection Questions
Milestones & Metrics
Bonus Content & Check-Ins
Success Coaching
Accountablity Coaching
Fast Results
This package gives you coaching support so you can make the way you dream your life to be a reality.
What's the cost?
You will be billed for the amount of £497 every month.
This continues until you choose to either upgrade or cancel.
If you wish to upgrade to a different package let your coach know.
If you wish to stop coaching, let us know at least 7 days before your next invoice.
We do suggest coaching for a minimum of 2 months to create permanent change.
Anyone who wants to make sure they keep on track to their dreams
Anyone who wants to avoid being stuck
Anyone who wants to get a specific goal in 30 days
What Do I Get?
30 days of coaching through the Online Coaching System which can include:
3 Phone Calls With Your Coach
Private Self Improvement Feed For Direct Access To Your Coach (Accessible 24/7)
Goals Set By Your Coach
Weekly PowerWords
Results Driven Affirmations
Self-Reflection Questions
Accountability Coaching
This package gives you accountability coaching support so you can make your target, slay your goal and maintain the life you desire and deserve.
What's the cost?
Your card will be billed for the full amount of £897.
Just before your challenge ends you will be presented with a new offer to take on a new challenge.The renewal price will have a special promotion for you.
You then have three options:
If you wish to continue, settle the invoice to enjoy uninterrupted coaching. Your new challenge will only begin after your old finishes.
If you wish to upgrade to a different package let your coach know.
If you wish to stop coaching, let us know and we will delete the invoice off the system. There is no obligation to take another challenge or coaching package.
Although the majority of our clients renew, there
is no pressure to stay on with us, there are no awkward conversations and you can always return at a later date - you are always welcome.
Six Coaching Calls (Weekly for Fast Results)
Six Coaching Calls To Get You Where You Want To Be view more...
This is a block of 6 coaching calls to help you overcome any blocks holding you back. Whether it is tough decision, a business situation you feel is not moving forward at the right pace for you or an exciting opportunity this is the perfect coaching package to get clarity, create an action plan and move forward smashing through the block. Book you first session online today to get peace of mind that you are on your way towards a solution. We can then give you a regular time slot every week to get you where you want to be.