Fall 2021 Productivity Kickstart Group - Creative Catapult Coaching


Online Writer's Group

Writer's Productivity Kickstart - Mitigating the impact Covid-19 has had on your productivity.

Are you stuck on your current project (s) or want some dedicated time and space to work on your writing? Meet with other like-minded writers looking for motivation in a six-week group to support tangible progress on your current project(s). The underlying theme is “What impact has the Covid-19 pandemic had on productivity for creatives?”


Self-care and compassion are essential, but so is progress, especially when you need to eat! When you’re overwhelmed, how do you reconcile the two? This is a discussion element, along with productivity. Discussion uses different parts of the brain. It also adds different perspectives and solutions available to the group.


Class Info


·         6 75-minute live sessions weekly 

(MONDAYS 4:00-5:15 PACIFIC TIME utc-7 Sep. 27-Nov. 1 )

·         Outside work on your own project

·   Sharing progress with the group highly encouraged



 ·         2 scheduled work blocks via zoom (state your goals, and work for 2-3 25 min pomodoro sprints, evaluate your progress) Optional times Mondays 3-4 Friday 1-2

·         Paired with 1-2 others with similar goals for writing/progress check-ins




Who is this for:

·         This group is for writers 

·         This is for individuals with a WiP (Work-in-Progress) moving towards publication (1st time or repeat)

·         This is not a writing class, but a space to (support you) make headway on a stalled WiP

 ·         This will connect you with an intimate community of others on a similar journey


·         It is not a mental health support group, but being around others engaged in a similar vision can build resilience and energy.


This is not an instruction course, but I will introduce some tools that may help with moving your process forward—carving out time to write, motivation to write, or balancing other projects so you have time to write,


Outcomes I expect:


Tangible Progress

·         Define in week 1

·         Refine each week

·         Reevaluate at week 3 or4

·         Evaluate progress at week 6


Resource building

·         Group discussion

·         Tiny Habits® introduction and application to your writing process

·         Other group members know things

·         Coaching strategies, as applicable to individual situations


Community Support

·         Others to talk about your project with beyond your spouse/roommate/friend

·         Facebook group

·         Dedicated space devoted to making space and gaining momentum writing


Use the Power of the Pause—why do you need to stop

 ·         What is working??

 ·         What is not working??

 ·         Why? 

 ·         What do you need to do to move forward?


Not sure you're ready? Questions? Email amy@creativecatapultcoach.com

We are currently running.  If you are interested in the next session, please email me at amy@creativecatapultcoach.com.
