CoachAccountable and Zoom
Set up Zoom Meetings for your coaching appintments automatically
Set up Zoom Meetings for your coaching appintments automatically
Zoom is a popular platform for conducting coaching sessions, and for good reason! If you’re not meeting in person, it’s more or less the next best thing: face-to-face video calls that are easy to set up and easy to join, for you and your clients.
CoachAccountable now allows you to connect your Zoom account, which means the system can automatically set up Zoom Meetings for your appointments. Let’s see how it works!
You’ll find the place to connect to your Zoom account under Settings >> Appointment Config >> Zoom Meetings.
The in-app verbiage makes it pretty clear what’s going on and what to do next:
Clicking the big “Let’s go do that!” button brings you over to Zoom. If you’re not logged in already, you’ll be prompted to do so (or have the chance to sign up for a new Zoom account).
Once logged in, you’ll see the following prompt asking for your authorization to allow CoachAccountable to connect:
Assuming you click “Authorize”, you’ll be whisked back to CoachAccountable and presented with the opportunity to set your preferences for Zoom meeting.
This selection essentially amounts to letting CA know which of your Appointment Types should typically entail a Zoom Meeting:
The “Always” and “Never” tell CA that a Zoom meeting (or lack thereof!) should be taken as a foregone conclusion for all appointments of that type. Choosing the “Usually” or “Usually not” option means CA will present you with a checkbox option that you can check or not check (in order to set up or not set up a Zoom meeting) when scheduling an appointment.
The two other settings, “Enable clients to join before me” and “Start meeting with video enabled”, mirror the usual Zoom Meeting settings.
(Note also that here, at the bottom, is where you can disconnect CA from your Zoom account, should you ever wish to.)
Here’s what scheduling an appointment looks like for an Appointment Type whose Zoom meeting preference is set to “Always”:
When your clients schedule with you, they’ll never see controls related to Zoom. Instead, the system will automatically create those meetings for Appointment Types that are set to either “Always” or “Usually” have Zoom Meetings.
Once an Appointment is scheduled with a Zoom Meeting, you’ll be able to see it’s been added to your Meetings over in your Zoom account:
If you didn’t do so when originally scheduled, you can add a Zoom Meeting to already-scheduled Appointments. Just click to modify an Appointment and, so long as it’s of a type that is set to usually or always have a Zoom Meeting, you’ll find a button by which to do so:
When modifying an already-scheduled appointment, you can see the corresponding Zoom Meeting that has been scheduled:
Note the “Location” field has been set to the exact URL by which you and your clients will be able to access the Meeting.
Having the Zoom URL as the location for an appointment means it will be easy to find (and thus the meeting easy to join) for both parties. It can be found in:
Notifications – That exact meeting’s URL will be present in the Appointment notifications and reminders you and your client get.
Client AND Coach Calendars – You’ll also see the URL automatically as part of the event in any calendars that you or your client have synced with. That means the meeting will be super easy to join for both parties.
In-App – Appointments that have Zoom Meetings set will also show the “join now” link in-app; just click on the calendar icon or name of the appointment as found in the upcoming appointments listing:
You might have CA schedule one for you but later decide you don’t need it. You COULD delete it from within Zoom, but don’t. If you delete it there, CA won’t know about it and with blithely go on showing the “join now” link to you and your clients.
But more to the point, there’s no need (after all, the whole point of this integration is to have things all in one place!). You can delete a Zoom meeting from within CA; just go to modify an appointment that has the meeting set and click the “remove this…” button.
And that’s it! Just connect your Zoom account, choose which appointment types should have Zoom meetings, and set those meetings automatically when scheduling your appointments as usual. The “join now” links will be readily presented to you and your clients.
Zoom meetings are a best-in-class way to conduct your remote coaching sessions. By integrating them in with everything else that CA appointments provide, you’ve got an even more powerful system for scheduling with your clients with the least work possible.
Drop us a line at support@coachaccountable.com, or chat us up in the widget to the lower right!
As always you can expect a response within 24 hours, and generally much sooner during the day in North America. :)
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