CoachAccountable for Schools

Set your students up to have thriving, sustainable practices in their new, chosen profession.

Screenshot of CoachAccountable courses
CoachAccountable Leaf shape CoachAccountable Leaf shadow

The purpose of a coaching school is to turn out competent and able coaches: strong in their craft and able to build and maintain a thriving practice.

Much of the training is focused on the delivery of coaching itself: how coach shows up and participates in the actual coaching session. Often training and assessments are focused through the lens of established standards of competency.

But schools can give their students much more than just preparedness for those conversations. Schools have the opportunity to equip their students with structures and best practices that compliment and powerfully support the conversations. Things like:

  • Materials encompassing key distinctions and practices
  • Clear definitions of meaningful KPIs and other assessments
  • Methods of structuring sessions
  • Preparatory and reflection exercises for clients
  • Template Contracts and Agreements
  • Business models for structuring and selling their services
  • Practices for supporting the broader arc of client relationships from start to finish

These things afford the possibility of coaching relationships being more than just the conversations, AND help the student to be less “on their own” when it comes to actually making a living at their chosen craft. Coach training can better set students up for sustainable, long lasting success when it encompasses more than development in the established competencies.

Enter CoachAccountable.

CoachAccountable is the coaching platform that lets coaches run better businesses, automate administrative drudgery, and deliver genuinely better coaching experiences and results to their clients.

Since 2012 it has helped thousands of coaches to get better outcomes with tens of thousands of clients. Judging by the comments on the recent 10 year anniversary announcement, people are fond.

With CoachAccountable for Schools, you can give your students the resources and structures that allow them to begin their coaching career with much more certainty, and with FAR LESS to figure out (or invent) from scratch. They’ll be equipped to:

Offer (and be scheduled for) compelling discovery calls
Have clients able to purchase coaching packages
Handle their coaching agreements and contracts
Elegantly onboard new clients to start powerful coaching relationships
Effortlessly log and report their hours for certification
Enact practices that give power to sessions
Easily and tangibly demonstrate the concrete results of their work
Get established in the marketplace in record time

How does it work?

Qualifying schools (see below) are entitled to their own CoachAccountable account that is fully free for up to 100 active coaching clients. This will allow you to develop your school’s own package of resources, including:

Worksheet Templates

Pre-session checkins, reflection exercises, and more.

Session Templates

Templates for taking meaningful notes and ensuring thorough sessions.


Meaningful materials as images, PDFs, useful links or even embedded media.

Appointment Types

Templates of common appointments, like discovery calls and routine sessions.

Agreements and Contracts

Meaningful and vetted documents that capture both coaching agreements and important legal aspects.


Sequences of materials, assignments, and other interactive flows.

Coaching Packages and Service Offerings

Readily tailored starting points that allow students to start doing business.

And much more...

CoachAccountable allows coaches to fully run their business AND give clients more. It does a lot.

These, in turn, you make available to your students as an installable Resource Package into their own CoachAccountable account.

Your students will be able to install your school’s Resource Package (or packages!) with just a few clicks, serving as a foundation for their coaching practice and allowing them to get up and running quickly and benefit from the structures and resources they’ve already learned in your training.

Installing your Resource Package will automatically credit you as the one who referred them, entitling your school to earn a commission on their paid subscription (50% of their first month’s spend, and 5% thereafter)1.

In turn, students who are referred by you will be entitled to 3 free months of using the service, three times the usual 30-day free trial period that is generally offered. This is to take all risk of trying out a new system off the table, and give your students ample runway to securing their first paying clients and find their own prosperity as newly-minted coaches.

After 3 months, if and only if CoachAccountable is proving itself to be a worthy aide to their coaching work and business (with benefit of the resources provided by your school), they can continue their paid subscription and CA will continue to aide them in both running their business and delivering better results to their clients.

How does my school qualify?

There are a few qualifications your school must meet and maintain in order to qualify for the CoachAccountable for Schools Program:

You must be a de facto coaching school conducting a minimum of 50 certifications per year.

Smaller and/or less formally established schools are still free to maintain a paid CoachAccountable account (for as little as $20/month), curate and offer a Resource Package for their students, and earn referrer commissions by the mechanism detailed above.

You must create a suitable Resource Package for your students to install.

This is the magic by which your students get a tremendous head start on the running of their business and their work with clients, so it cannot be skipped or noted as something to do “down the road”2.

You must create suitable orientation materials for your students regarding the resources in your school’s CoachAccountable Resource Package.

This can be as simple as a single video tutorial or series of articles that effectively document how and when to use the very resources you’re setting them up with3.

You must work with CA to establish a suitable mechanism by which CA can recognize your students as your students to qualify them for the free 3-months.

We’ll figure something out to suit your tastes and comfort around level of disclosure and administrative ease4.

That's it.

How can I create those resource packages?

Happily enough, creating a Resource Package is standard, generally user-friendly and well documented functionality of CoachAccountable. In other words, anyone with a CoachAccountable account can do it: no need to ask permission or get special training.

That said, some might prefer to get expert guidance in bridging the two worlds, i.e. taking your school’s resources and methodology and setting them up to best advantage within CoachAccountable. For that, I can recommend professionals that you can hire for exactly that, up to and including full on implementation of what you got (and even authoring content beyond what you’ve got). Find a CA Expert for hire.

Be a CoachAccountable Ambassador to Your School

For individuals who themselves have had their own CA account for at least 6 months.

If you’re a graduate of a coaching school and think CoachAccountable would be a good fit for it (i.e. something you wish they’d offered when you were going through their program), be a CA Ambassador to it!

As ambassador of CA to your school, you’ll share with them the CA For Schools program along your own experience with CA (and why you think it would be a good addition to their program). If they join and fully qualify for the CA for Schools Program, your own CoachAccountable account will be free for life, subject to terms5.

If you’d like to apply to be a CA ambassador to your school, you can do so here.

How do I get started? Can I talk to someone to figure out if I should?

If CoachAccountable for Schools seems like a promising fit for your school, you can take whatever next step is fitting for you here:

Apply to

CoachAccountable for Schools

Ready to give your students a leg up in establishing a thriving career?

Apply Now

Talk about

CoachAccountable for Schools

Book a call to explore how this could fit your school & serve your students.

Book a Call

Wait, could we use CoachAccountable with our own students?

Well, CoachAccountable is a coaching platform, and not specifically built for running a school.

Then again, CoachAccountable handles...

  • Automated delivery of course materials just like other LMSs.
  • Tracking the progress and activity of clients through a guided learning process.
  • Appointment scheduling with individuals and groups.
  • Tracking and logging hours and sessions.
  • Coordination and oversight of program delivery efforts among team members.
  • Invoicing.

...So it just might be a nice vehicle for managing much of your school's operations and the delivery of your programs afterall! Feel free to do so.

What else should I know?

Think CoachAccountable might be a good foundation for your students? If you come to the conclusion that it is, you might find it useful to consider adding certain lessons to your own curriculum, including:

These and more are lessons to be found in the CoachAccountable Webinar Series. They contain many ideas that give power to one’s coaching and coaching practice, ideas that can be enacted upon by any coach but are very easy to put into practice with a system like CoachAccountable.

The CoachAccountable Webinar Series

A Force Multiplier of your Coaching Expertise
Montage of webinar drawings.

As part of the CoachAccountable for Schools program you have full license to lift whatever words, ideas, graphics, and recordings themselves for your own purposes.

Ultimately, I’m in the business of having coaching make the greatest possible difference it can. So if any of these lessons can help your students have successful and prosperous coaching businesses? Then mission accomplished, and therefore you are free to use them however you like.

You keep saying I... is CoachAccountable just you?

No, but I'm very hands on. I invite you to get acquainted. :)

At your service,

John signed.


  1. These referral commissions will not make your school rich. Fortunately, that fact spares you suspicion of any conflict interest: no one will think you’re making an insincere recommendation just for the money. Like I say to all referrers, it is but a tasteful kickback that serves as earnest thanks for recommending CA.  
  2. Don’t worry: consistent with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that apply across all of CoachAccountable, your materials are, and will remain, fully your own, and CA will never lay any claim to them. This isn’t some nasty play to amass content.  
  3. This is to ensure that CoachAccountable support need not answer common (and likely repetitive) questions about that usage within CA. After all, we're probably much less qualified to provide support and guidance on your materials and methodology. :)  
  4. Without this, school Resource Package installation links will probably get circulated as a popular loophole for anyone wanting to get 3 free months, which kills part of the point: your ability to offer an exclusive benefit to your students.  
  5. The account must remain in your name, is given as a credit for up to $400/month (i.e. fully free for up to 100 clients), and will remain free only so long as your school remains a participant in the CA for Schools Program for at least 2 years. Not too onerous, right? :)  