
Group Files

CoachAccountable file sharing allows you to easily upload and share files with multiple people. You also have the ability to embed larger video and audio files, allowing playback right within CoachAccountable.

Group Files takes this one step further by allowing you to quickly share a file with some or all members of a Group. 
To do so, head to a specific Group, then to the group's Files tab. To share a new file, click +Group File here, or click the plus sign next to Group Stream, then click +File.
From here you'll be able to choose a file from your Library (or upload a new one). If you'd like to share multiple files from your library, select that option and then Shift+select or CTRL+select as desired.

Choose whether or not to send a notification email, which will allow you to add a personal note, and you're all set.

There aren't any visibility settings here, since each member in the Group receives a file just as they would if it were shared individually.

Use Group Files to quickly share any program materials, PDFs, video, and audio with your Group.

Editing a Group File

To edit a Group File, hover over that file and click the Edit button in the lower right, or single click on the file and click the Edit button on the right sidebar.

Removing a Group File

To remove a file that's been shared with the Group, hover over that file and click the trash can icon in the lower right, or click once on the file and click the trash can icon on the right sidebar. 
