
Group Directory


A Group Directory is an optional listing of group member information that you can enable for your group members. 
You have three options:
Don't offer a Directory for this Group
This means that group members will not be able to see any of each other's contact information.

Offer an Opt-in Directory for this Group
This allows group members to choose whether or not they want to be part of the directory. 

Choose whether members are listed or unlisted by default (if they're listed by default, they'll need to opt out, rather than opt in). 

Then choose which contact information for each member is included in the directory: email, address, and/or phone number(s). 

Offer an All-inclusive Directory for this Group
This means that all group members are automatically in the directory and cannot opt out. 

Choose which contact information for each member is included in the directory: email, address, and/or phone number(s).

If you're using a Team Edition account, you can include coaches' information in the directory as well. 

Finally, you can allow members to set a profile to show in the directory.
This is a place where members can write a bit about themselves, include pictures and video and more in order to share their personalities with the group. Note that the profile can be set individually for each group the client is in, so if they'd share more with one group than another, that's available to them.

When enabled, the directory is visible to your clients by clicking the “Directory” tab from their Group page. Clicking "View more..." for any person expands the full profile they've created.
Clicking "View all 'more'" at the top expands the profiles for everyone who has one.

Click "Edit my profile..." and you'll see the familiar WYSIWYG editor.
The group directory auto-updates: client information is pulled directly from that client’s user account, meaning if members change their information like a new email address or work phone number, the directory is automatically updated.