
Coaching Hours Log

Many coaching certification bodies require a report of the hours you've spent coaching in order to confer certification. This report helps expedite the process. 

For this report, simply select the dates you'd like to include, then click Load.
You'll see both individual and Group clients listed, as well as the number of hours spent coaching and number of Appointments

The Appointment Types you've scheduled will determine the hours spent coaching. For instance, if you had a one-hour session and a 30-minute session with a client, you'll see 1.5 hours and 2 Appointments listed for that person.

For Team Edition accounts, you'll have an additional choice to run the report for other coaches if desired.

Click on the name of any column to sort. 
Note: If you're pursuing an International Coaching Federation (ICF) certification, this report exactly matches the form you'll need. Just download as a CSV and you're set!