
Sharing a Common Set of Files with Clients

It's common to have a set of files that you want to have ready to share with some or all of your clients.

There are two approaches to this:
  1. A Course which entails the receipt of all files in that set
  2. A Group with whom all files in that set are shared.

Sharing Files via a Course

To share a set of files via a Course, take the following steps:
  1. Create a Day-based Course that is 1 Day long
  2. Add all Files of the set as items to Day 1 of that Course
Note: As you drag File items onto the Course, be sure to NOT make one file set to follow another, unless you intend that sort of one-at-a-time revealing of files!

When the Course is ready, you can share the set of files with any client (now or in the future), by adding that client as a participant in the Course.

Note: You can easily add a multitude of clients to the course at once by clicking the "Actually I want to add several participants..." link in the "Add a participant" pop up.

Sharing Files via a Group

To share a set of files via a Group, take the following steps:
  1. Create a Group and add the appropriate clients as members to it
  2. From the Group Stream, click plus icon, and then the +File button.
  3. Click the “Actually I want to share multiple files from my Library.” link
  4. Use Shift and/or Ctrl keys to select whichever files you wish.
The act of sharing a set of files with the Group in this way means that all client members of the group will have each of those files share with them, visible in their own respective Files area.

Note: The Group you create for thus purpose can be administrative only, meaning clients don't know they're in the group.

The group approach is easy to maintain in two ways:
  1. When you have a new client (who ought to have access to the same set of files), simply add them as members of the Group.
  2. When you want to add a new file to that set of common files that clients should generally have access, simply share it with the Group (and thus all member of the group, new and old, will gain access to it).